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Bowl with Leopard and Man, Fatimid Egypt, c.11th Century.
Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece

Ceramic bowl with lustre colours. It portrays a leopard with a man, possibly its trainer. During the Fatimid period, leopards were among the sights in the caliph’s court. Their portrayal was a symbolic allusion to authority and was probably restricted to luxury goods. Egypt, 11th c. Diam. 0,204 m. (ΓΕ 11119)
Source: Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece.

Previous: Bowl with Groom and Giraffe, Fatimid Egypt, c.11th Century. Benaki Museum, Greece.
Next: A Fatimid Bowl with a Wrestling Match. Cairo Museum of Islamic Art, 9689.

Fatimid Illustrations of Musicians, Dancers, Revellers & Labourers